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Steroid use to
Basis: The original Steroid Control Act had proven to be very ineffective in curtailing anabolic steroid use as use had grown dramatically since the original enactmentof the new act. This was partly due to the nature of the original act. While the original Steroid Control Act was primarily focused on preventing abuse, steroid abusers did still exist and the act was unable to address this, anabolic steroids examples. Because of this, the Steroid Control Act was expanded in the 1990 amendment to include the implementation of anabolic steroids. Specifically the amendment stated that the Commission may consider the effects of the use of anabolic steroids and certain other substances of abuse if, "on the basis of a thorough, impartial and objective investigation" the Commission "finds that there are conditions that present a reasonable possibility of such abuse" such conditions could include "a history of abuse, the use of anabolic or steroidal substances, as an adult, or the use of anabolic or steroidal drugs as a minor, other than those described in paragraph 1 of this section, steroid use retinopathy." This amendment was written to be broad enough to allow the Commission to consider any abuse and use or substance of abuse that has led to serious physical injury, and to exclude abuse of any other substance of abuse, the use of such substance as an adult or the use of a substance that has been abused prior to a person being 21 years old, steroids. In a decision dated July 1, 1983, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit stated: "Thus, in contrast to the initial intent of the statute, the revised Steroid Control Act now allows for greater flexibility in assessing the effect of abuse and/or use of such substances of abuse when they 'willfully and deliberately' are continued at a level of abuse as to interfere with the 'ability of a person to do the work of his or her own free will, steroid use to.' This is not, however, a 'permissive' amendment so as to grant the Commission greater independence of judgment and discretion to determine when and under what circumstances a person is disqualified from employment by reason of drug or alcohol abuse, steroid use stop. Rather, the Amendment makes clear that the Commission must consider the effects of abuse and/or use when considering whether to take such a limited regulatory action." " The Court of Appeals also stated that the amendment should be read as 'not restricting the Commission's discretion where evidence suggests that a condition exists that presents a reasonable probability of abuse or a potential for abuse of drugs or alcohol, steroid use pros and cons.' The first of the two drug use enhancement cases was brought on the basis that he had used steroids after the age of 19 years.
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