3xx status codes indicate the client still needs to do something before the request can be successful.
300 Multiple Choices – There’s more than one possible response, and you may have to choose one of them.
301 Moved Permanently – The old resource now redirects to the new resource.
302 Found – The old resource now redirects to the new resource temporarily.
302 Moved Temporarily – The old resource now redirects to the new resource temporarily.
303 See Other – This is another redirect that indicates the resource may be found somewhere else.
304 Not Modified – Says the page hasn’t been modified. Typically used for caching.
305 Use Proxy – The requested resource is only available if you use a proxy.
306 Switch Proxy – Your next requests should use the proxy specified. This code is no longer used.
307 Temporary Redirect – Has the same functionality as a 302 redirect, except you can’t switch between POST and GET.
307 HSTS Policy – Forces the client to use HTTPS when making requests instead of HTTP.
308 Permanent Redirect – Has the same functionality as a 301 redirect, except you can’t switch between POST and GET.
Dividing the workload like this whatsapp number list allows both the vendor and the affiliate to focus on their strengths. How Google handles 3xx
301s and 302s are canonicalization signals. They pass PageRank and help determine which URL is shown in Google’s index. A 301 consolidates forward to the new URL, and a 302 consolidates backward to the old URL. If a 302 is left in place long enough or if the URL it’s redirected to already exists, a 302 may be treated as a 301 and consolidated forward instead.
302s may also be used for redirecting users to language or country/language-specific homepages, but the same logic shouldn’t be used for deeper pages.
303s have an undefined treatment from Google. They may be treated as 301 or 302, depending on how they function.
A 307 has two different cases. In cases where it’s a temporary redirect, it will be treated the same as a 302 and attempt to consolidate backward. When web servers require clients to only use HTTPS connections (HSTS policy), Google won’t see the 307 because it’s cached in the browser. The initial hit (without cache) will have a server response code that’s likely a 301 or a 302. But your browser will show you a 307 for subsequent requests.